Waitin' On Ray...

Here's some cool stuff we've done.  There's plenty more where this all comes from!!!

Made It Through The Week

This is the first song that Erika DeShay and Scott Zulauf ever wrote together, and features Steve Lessard on bass, Scott on guitar, vocals, and djembe -(Shauna's djembe), Erika on vocals, and friends Dave Drees and Dominique St-Pierre singing back up. It was for a contest that a local news station was running to replace their "Friday Morning Song". This song was kind of the catalyst that started our band - and it was really fun to collaborate on an original tune! We... didn't win.


Father Figure

A classic cover from Scott, Erika, and Briana’s “80’s acoustic band”, FORMERLY KNOWN AS…


Fried Rice

This song was actually conceived a couple of years ago with the help of friends Dave Drees, Erin McCabe, and Joe Gibson. It features Scott's departure from being just a rhythm guitarist, to being an all out face-melting guitar soloist (not exactly). Scott and Erika would like to take this opportunity to urge all listeners to gear up in your best polyester and platforms for this one... you're gonna need them.

Show Me How You Style

For some reason Scott, Erika, and Brianna Julius felt the need to write an R&B tune. Where did it come from? Who knows... but this song proves that we will never be held hostage to any one particular genre of music! Now go shake that thang.


Middle Of Nowhere

Erika and Scott figured since they were in an 80's cover band, it was about time for them to write a poppy 80's tune of their own. 3 hours later... this happened.


The Lament Of Mr. Archie

One night while Scott and Erika were hangin' out and writing this song, her drunk neighbor, "Mr. Archie" drove into the parking lot after a night of heavy drinking, and plowed into Scott's parked car. Mr. Archie - this one's for you... I guess.


Knife Show

Scott, Erika, and Brianna, were up late one night doing a little channel surfing, when they came across the greatest show ever to grace the T.V. screen. If you love rednecks and knives as much as we do, then you'll appreciate our inspiration for this gem of a toetapper. Recorded by Steve Lessard on the Auraria Campus and features friend Scott "Oly" Olsen on lead guitar. Go here to see the show fer yer own se'ff: http://www.cutlerycorner.net/


Certified Green-Eyed Girl

This is actually the first song that Scott ever wrote for his wife Dawn, but didn’t record until 2007. His intent was to convince Dawn to become a vegetarian with him back in 1997. Ten years later… it still hasn’t worked. (Either she’s really stubborn - or Scott should’ve written a better song. A little from column “A”, a little from column “B”.)



Here's a little lullaby that Scott wrote for his daughter Ella during her first summer of life. Not only does she make a guest appearance on the song, but if you listen close, you can hear real live crickets in the backyard.

Family Life

This is a little ditty Scott wrote for his wife for their 5th anniversary. The line "log above our door" in the song refers to a log from a beaver dam in front of which Scott proposed to Dawn in 1999. After the beavers moved out, they went back and took one of the logs as a keepsake.



Scott knew that since he wrote a little song for Ella when she was born, he had better do the same for his new little boy Hank, thus ending any sibling rivalry that would later exist. Grampa says you could lose your finger up to its first knuckle in his dimples, so the inspiration for this one was rather easy.



A little ukulele tune, this song was inspired while attending Dawn’s family reunion in Iowa. As dusk settled in, the children began running around trying to capture fireflies. Suddenly, one of them shouted, "Hey... I got one! Who wants to pull it's butt off?" Believing in the path of the extinction of suffering for all sentient beings, the Firefly Liberation Association of Modern Ethics (or F.L.A.M.E.) was born. Scott saw a need for an anthem. All kidding aside, this is one of my favorites.



Take Ray's new keyboard and recording software... add Scott's vocals and Erica's lyrical wordsmithing... and you end up with this.


Blast! - Energy

This is a commercial jingle Ray and Scott wrote for a new "energy drink", called... you guessed it - BLAST! - ENERGY. The parameters were to make it sound "Eye Of The Tiger-ish". Mmmm... OK!



Here it is! - The first ORIGINAL song by "Waitin' On Ray...". Written by Scott Zulauf, Erika DeShay, and Ray Foss. Here's to many more to come.


Good News / Bad News

Funny how life works sometimes. Nearly 9 years after Erika and Scott collaborated on that first song to try and win a contest on TV, Scott and Ray write a song in 2 hours and 12 beers that gets picked up by a local radio station. Didn't see that comin'!!!


Jay and Jay Show

Scott and Ray were asked to write a jingle for "The Best %$#@*&! Sports Show on the Internet" - but creatively censor the word @#$%&!... so we did.


Tee It Up

The INTRO for Ray's new Golf show on milehighunderground.com. Aptly named, "Tee It Up". Mint Julip anyone?


The "Nooner"

Here's a "quicky"... that Scott and Ray wrote for gomilehigh.com's show, "The Nooner". You know... there aren't a bunch of words from which to choose that rhyme with "nooner". Talk about your "Afternoon Delight"!



Asked to write a jingle for the "preview" segment of Ray's golf show (the part of the show that enlightens listeners to next week's topics of interest)... Scott and Ray complied. ka-POW.


Dialed In

Another show intro that Scott and Ray were asked to write, called "Dialed In". Asked to write with an "early 90s-hip hop flavor", this is what happened.


The Pitch

In the latest installment of "What can Scott and Ray come up with for THIS show?", a baseball talk show called "The Pitch" needed an anthem, and we complied. \\


Green Party Song

Here's a 1 minute song Erika and Scott wrote for the new Colorado Green Party "TV" show. She helped Scott record it, too. Then Scott accidentally went and erased the whole thing, and had to redo it by himself. You live and learn…


Need A Penny, Take A Penny

This was the first song of a conceptual album that Scott's friend Steve Sardella challenged him to write - all revolving around a convenience store. "For Your Convenience" - never really got too far. The rant about 50Cent at the end of this one is classic.


Clean Up On Isle # 3

The only "For Your Convenience" song that Erika agreed to take part in. To this day she still wonders what she was thinking. Oh, Sean... will you ever find your missing wet floor sign?


Those Nachos R Looking Pretty Good

Another "For Your Convenience" tune. Lyrics by Steve Sardella, music by Scott Zulauf. My attempted tribute to Chris Cornell...


Tripping Over Treetops

Written with NJ pal Brian Piper, this was the first song Scott ever wrote. You can hear the 18 year old angst just pouring out. I'm not really sure what this song is about, but Brian saves the day with some amazing musicianship.


Orange Peel

Based upon the fact that nothing rhymes with "orange", Steve Sardella threw down an orange peel one day, and bet Brian and Scott that they couldn't write a song about it. The jury is still out as to who won the bet.


Stone Houses

I think this was the second song Brian and Scott ever wrote. The lyrics seemed really enigmatic at the time. (?) Upon listening to it now... it would be the high school phrasing and overall performance that leaves one thinking "Hmmm."


These last few tracks are from Scott's other project "EGG PLANET" - The official band of The Green Party of Colorado. To find out more, check out http://eggplanetband.com

Lift Yourself

Feces Of Your Species


Peace Dividend